Citrus is native to a large area, which extends from Himalayan foot hills of northeast India to northcentral China, the Philippines in east and Burma, Thailand, Indonesia and New Caledonia in
Southeast. In India, in terms of area under cultivation, citrus is the third largest fruit crop after Banana
and Mango. The average yield of citrus fruits in India is alarmingly low (8.8 t/ha) compared to other
developed countries like Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil and USA (22-35 t/ha). Among mandarins, Nagpur
mandarin (Central India), Kinnow mandarin (North–West India), Coorg mandarin (South India) and
Khasi mandarin (North-East India) are the commercial cultivars of India. Whereas, Mosambi
(Maharashtra), Sathgudi (Andhra Pradesh) and Malta and Jaffa (Punjab) are the sweet orange
cultivars traditionally grown.
Scope for Citrus Cultivation and its National Importance
Citrus cultivation in India is plagued with various problems due to limiting growing conditions,
limiting water resources and high incidence of pests
and diseases warranting great care from planting till
the plants come to bearing in order to sustain a
productive life of a minimum of 15-20 years. There
is growing interest/awareness among the citrus
growers for adoption of latest technologies for
commercial cultivation of citrus. The National
Research Centre (NRC) for Citrus (ICAR), Nagpur
has come out with the package of practices for
citrus cultivation in different regions of the country. In the present bankable project on citrus,
recommendations of the NRC for Citrus and the views of the citrus growers and their experience has
been taken into consideration. The distribution of major citrus fruits is given in Table 1.
Table 1 : Distribution of major citrus fruits
Global Scenario National Scenario
Mandarin 13% 44%
Lime & lemon 10% 28%
Sweet orange 71% 18%
Others 6% 10%
Technical Requirements of Citrus Cultivation
1 Climate
Citrus fruits in India are cultivated under varied agro-ecological conditions right from arid and
semiarid areas of southwest region to humid tropical climate of northeast India. Citrus trees are
evergreen, grown in truly subtropical climates of the world although in tropical regions of the world
they tend to produce cyclic growth flushes and hence regulating cropping in tropical areas for forcing
them into concentrated bloom needs judicious management of water deficit stress according to soil
type and growing season. Citrus fruits grow best between a temperature range of 130C to 370C.
Temperatures below – 4
0C are harmful for the young plants. Soil temperature around 250C seems to
be optimum for root growth. High humidity favours spread of many diseases. Frost is highly
injurious. Hot wind during summer results in desiccation and drop of flowers and developing fruits.
Barring these limitations citrus is grown in all subtropical and tropical areas of the world. The subtropical climate is best suited for citrus growth and development. Khasi and Darjeeling mandarins are
grown in high altitudes upto 2000 m as it is adapted to a cooler climate.
2 Soil
Citrus plants are grown in a wide range of soils ranging from sandy loam or alluvial soils of north
India to clay loam or deep clay loam or lateritic/acidic soils in the Deccan plateau and north-eastern
hills. Citrus orchards flourish well in light soils with good drainage properties. Deep soils with pH
range of 5.5 to 7.5 are considered ideal. However, they can also be grown in a pH range of 4.0 to 9.0.
High calcium carbonate concentration in feeder root zone may adversely affect the growth.
3 Planting Material
Availability of quality planting material is of utmost importance in citrus cultivation. Citrus plants are
very sensitive to various biotic and abiotic stresses. Therefore selection of an ideal rootstock is a
continuing challenge for the citrus industry of India. Currently used rootstocks viz. rough lemon and
Rangpur lime have gone through a lot of variation over the last five decades. Therefore ideal
selections developed from the conventional rootstocks by National Research Centre for Citrus
(NRCC), Nagpur and at other places under State Agriculture Universities may be obtained for
propagating quality planting material. For budwood selection, disease free mother plants developed
from the elite progeny of known pedigree through shoot tip grafting method available at NRCC,
Nagpur may only be used.
Primary nursery beds are prepared on light fertile soils or in the HDPE trays under shade net
structures. Selection of nucellar seedlings is done by eliminating weak seedlings, off types and non
uniform seedlings in 2-3 stages in the nursery beds. Secondary nursery seedlings may be raised in
polythene bags also as they become ready for plantation in the main field after attaining the height of
about 30-40 cm after one year.
4 Land preparation
Land needs to be thoroughly ploughed and levelled. In hilly areas, planting is done on terraces against
the slopes and on such lands, high density planting is possible as more aerial space is available than in
flat lands. Since citrus trees are highly sensitive to water logging and water stagnation during rainy
season providing drainage channels of 3-4 feet depth along the slopes around the orchard is essential.
5 Plant density
a. Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco)
Normal spacing – 6 m x 6 m ; Plant population – 277 / ha
b. Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck)
Normal spacing - 5 m x 5 m, 5.5 x 5.5 m; Plant population – 400/330 per ha
c. Limes/lemons (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle & Citrus limon)
Normal spacing – 6 x 6 m / 5 x 5 m, Plant population – 277/400 per ha
In light soils, spacing will be 4.5 x 4.5 m or 5 x 5 m
6 Planting
The best season of planting is June to August. Pits of the size of 1m x 1m x 1m may be dug for
planting seedlings. 15-20 kg of FYM and 500 g of super phosphate is applied per pit while planting.
With good irrigation system, planting can be done in other months also.
7 Irrigation
Citrus requires critical stage watering in the initial year. It further reduces fruit drop and increases the
fruit size. Diseases like root rot and collar rot occur in flooded conditions. Light irrigation with high
frequency is beneficial. Irrigation water containing more than 1000 ppm salts is injurious. Quantity of
water and frequency of irrigation depends on the soil texture and growth stage. Micro irrigation
systems not only saves water and nutrients but also ensure good retention of fruits during crucial
stages of crop growth in March – April even in situations where water is not a limitation.